Dr Estelle Métay

Estelle Metay

Dr Estelle Métay is a CNRS research associate at the University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in the CASYEN Laboratory. She graduated from the University of Nantes and defended her Ph.D. studies at the University of Paris XII in 2005 (Prof. J. Y. Nédélec), working on the synthesis of medium-ring benzolactones. She spent 14 months as a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue University (Prof E.-I. Negishi). She joined Marc Lemaire’s group in 2007. Her main research interests concern the organic and organometallic catalysis applied to green chemistry. One part concerns the development of new safer and cleaner reagents for the reduction of different organic functions. Another part is dedicated to the valorization of biosources derivatives to prepare as, for example, surfactants. She earned her HDR in 2012. She is coauthor of 47 publications and patents.